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Condition and Symptoms

Middle Ear (otitis media) infections are caused by fluid trapped behind the eardrum, which causes the eardrum to bulge. Along with earache, you may also have the sensation of fullness and may have some fluid drainage from the affected ear. It can come with a fever and you may have difficulty hearing until the infection starts to clear.


Antibiotics are frequently prescribed and topical drops may also be needed. Medication such as pain relief and anti-inflammatories may also be used to manage the symptoms. Miss Bentley may also need to treat your nasal symptoms if you are experiencing cold or allergy.

Glue Ear (Otitis Media with Effusion )

Condition and Symptoms

Glue Ear is a condition where the middle ear fills with glue-like fluid instead of air. This causes dulled hearing.

Although Glue Ear is uncommon in adults, it can follow a cold, viral infection of the ear, nose or sinuses. Rarely, it can be caused by blockage of the Eustachian Tube (the tube which goes from the back of the nose to the ear). Adults with Glue Ear should be seen by an ENT specialist as soon as possible. 

During the consultation, the ears will be examined and under local anaesthetic, a small flexible nasendoscope (fibreoptic camera introduced via the nose) will be passed. This is a safe, quick and painless procedure which allows visualisation of the opening of the eustachian tube.


Glue ear should resolve with the treatment schedule that Mrs Bentley will prescribe. Failure to improve with medical treatment may lead to placement of a grommet (small ventilation tube) usually under a local anaesthetic.

Middle Ear Infection: Articles & Resources
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